As a non-technical decision-maker in the enterprise, selecting top-tier analytics solutions can be daunting — unless procurement, finance, revenue and operations surrounding the newly selected tool are strategic.Read More
n this special guest feature, Andrew Hamel, EVP, Technology, Operations and AI, LivePerson, discusses the connection between big data and human engagement, specifically ways big conversational data delivers more authentic, human engagements between bots and customers.
In this contributed article, Prahlad Koti, a Partner at Netcompany, examines exactly what we mean when we talk about basic data, and how its digitization can assist the public and private sector. The digitization of public services is at the very top of government agendas across Europe, but the lack of accessible and reliable data, such as core information about individuals and businesses, creates challenges for digital administration.
As a drilling engineer with so many years and interesting internationalexperiences, Jacqueline is one who seeks a new adventure in data science.Her transition into informatics and data science came after her maternityleave while working at Schlumberger. Trying to fit the experience into her “new”the world did not come easy and in search for an alternative led her to informaticsand data science.In her experience of working in the oil and gas sector, a field dominated by men,she mentioned that while it was a male-dominated field, she never felt suppressed ina negative way that made her feel she was not enough. She also said that the use ofpieces of machinery meant that many of the muscle works were automated and easier.About how she got attracted to data science. Jacqueline believes her interest indata science has the common denominator with her previous job as a drilling engineer, which was the use of data for analysis and description.
By Regina Karson, Principal & WiBD Board Advisor Event: The Future of Analytics and Decision Intelligence with Berit Hoffmann, Sisu CPO Time: Thursday, October 28th, 10AM PT Fireside chat with Berit Hoffmann, Chief Product Officer at Sisu Data, and Regina Karson, US Board Advisor for Women in Big Data (WiBD). We explored the downstream business impact+ Read More